A man in San Leandro, CA was killed when he ignored the flashing lights and the red and white stripped baracade signaling an oncoming Amtrak train. He was hit by the train. He was on his cell phone while he was hit. Are you THAT into your conversation that you miss the lights, the noises and the big mass moving in your direction? It's tough to say, but some people just deserve it...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I'm sorry, you had what's coming to you...even if it was a train.
Posted by
10:46 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Dumbness from Drivers
I have these questions to ask..
-How hard is it to use a turn signal?
-How hard is it to use emergency blinkers when you're double parked?
-If you can only go 40mph on the freeway, you shouldn't be on the freeway.
-If you're turning to the right...you're supposed to pull all the way over to the right.
-What's so fashionable about tailgating in traffic? I don't need a hood ornament thank you.
Posted by
9:05 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Dumbness from YOU!
No, I'm not calling you dumb, er, maybe I am, but we're all dumb in our own little dumb ways (how many times did you think you could fit the word "dumb" into a sentence?).
I'm glad that form thing worksish, it's being a little dumb pain but it seems like it's working 90% of the time...
I'm hearing of crazy drunk drivers smashing into walls (for the record the dumb part is the drunk driving part, the smashing into the wall, I feel almost sorry for).
Big one I overlooked is the infants at R rated movies...c'mon now, babysitter, or wait for the DVD. For the record, my theatre doesn't allow any children under 6 years old to be permitted to any R rated film after 6 pm, people look at our sign and say, "why would they?" Dumbness all around.
Also got one about grocery stores...I've got a ton of those too, do I see a list in the future? Maybe another print out to leave on the shelves of grocery stores...I'm getting all warm and fuzzy inside (too bad, it's raining which makes me cold and damp).
Posted by
12:27 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Hey Mom...I'm Poopular!!!
Looks like I got a little star next to my name. That means I'm a STAR for the week! (Sorry, too much of my radio station, STAR101.3, where YOU'RE the STAR!).
Sit down, relax, read, comment. First post way down there at the bottom is part of the interactivity. On the right there's a file that you can print out the "10 Dumb Things Done on Public Transportation" and put it on transportation, guerrilla media style (Michelle Wolf's class anybody?) Take pictures and send them in, and I'll put them on Flickr. Otherwise, report a stupid person using the link to the right!
Have fun!
Posted by
12:19 PM
On why..?
Working at a movie theatre has its..moments. Luckily I wasn't here for this moment of stupidity. Cinemark theatres has a advertising program going on with the National Guard. It is...ridiculous. You get a stupid little advertising/recruiting handout at the Box Office. Two of the popcorn bags have National Guard Trivia, and 10 minutes before your movie, you get a National Guard music video. Complaints? Of course, I don't blame them. This is what I don't get...
On Saturday, a lady, distraught with the amount of National Guard crap she was being force fed came up to the concession stand, told our worker, "I don't want to make a scene", and preceded to take the two National Guard bags off the display and run out the door with them. Well, to us, the bag is our inventory and a loss for us, so two of my co-workers ran after her. There was an ensuing tug of war. We won. There was the yelling of "it's only two bags" and a...well...scene. She was talked to by my boss about the situation and she was resonably upset. My question comes with...
-Why not TALK to somebody about it first?
-If you don't want to make a scene then...why do something that WILL make a scene..
-It's only two bags...yes, then what difference does it make to her? There are 1.5 million other ones just like them, what is running off with two bags going to do?
This is called doing without thinking, and what I consider idiotic behavior. The motive is not, the action is.
Posted by
12:12 PM
On Mayoral Races...
Sometimes stupid processes need to be given some attention. As I sit here, I'm listening to the KTVU Noon news. There's a tight mayoral race in Vallejo. There's a mayor. There's a recount, today, so the new mayor today, may not be the new mayor. Get it? Good. They said that if the recount comes out that this election is a tie the two men will...draw...straws...You read right, don't need to go back. They will draw...straws...I really don't know what more to say...
Why did I leave you with wrong information. Drawing straws, that's really dumb. How could you believe me? There are of course other options in case of a tie, reports NBC 11 news...
"If it (the mayoral race" were a tie, the winner could be determined by a coin toss, drawing straws, rock-paper-scissors or the lucky draw of a card."
*Edit x2*
Grosse Point and Mt. Clemens, Michigan actually flipped a coin, the winner of the coin flipped picked a piece of paper out of the box that either said "elected" or not.. in this past election, as a result of a tie..Link
Florida's state law says that to determine the winner of a tied election, the candidates will draw lots.
New Mexico's state law says that the winner may be chosen by a game of chance, as directed by a judge. This may include a game of poker.
The above is not Vallejo's law, it's California State Law...
Posted by
12:08 PM
Labels: drawing straws, vallejo mayor race
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Radio Station Stupidity
With a new job, comes new responsibility, comes new stupidity.
Working the morning show, and this guy must not have had his coffee. We get a call and the producer answers and the guy is very excited. He is wondering if he is the 20th caller. My producer is bewildered. See, it'd be great if he was the 20th caller, but we weren't counting. Why weren't we counting, you ask? We didn't have a contest, and hadn't had one in about 3 hours...
Got another phone call from this woman the other day, telling a story of how she is a BIG fan of Matchbox 20 but she can't usually go. Her son is in Children's Hospital and she would like to be able to go before he comes out. There's a problem. One, we don't have any tickets. Why don't we have tickets? Simple. The concert isn't until March. She didn't know that. She kept saying that she isn't trying to tell this sob story to get tickets, but if you don't know when the concert is, and then when you find out it's way later, you then say "okay then, I'll try then", leads me to believe that when you said your son was coming out soon, he really isn't. There's something stinky about this lady...
Posted by
9:49 PM
What's the point? Do I really hate dumb people? Truthfully, I am, and most of you are, annoyed with behavior that you observe that make you think that the person has no regard for anybody else. This is what I deem to be "dumb". I don't think you can change these people. The dumb things they do are a result of not understanding why the thing they are doing is "dumb". I don't intend to change anybody's behavior with this site, but just to relieve some stress and make fun of them! Happy dumb hunting!
Posted by
4:59 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Christmas Observations...
1. Holiday season, in my book, officially starts November 1.
2. Only one holiday should be advertised at a time, and should not be advertised prior to an upcoming holiday.
3. Why are candy canes being sold during Halloween candy shopping? That's nasty.
4. KOIT (96.5 FM): I am fine with you playing Christmas music 24 hours a day. I am fine with you being the "Bay Area's Christmas Station." Start the day after Thanksgiving...not a week before! Sleigh bells should not ring on my turkey!
5. Your Christmas lights...are for Christmas, that means that they need to be taken down. Due date: January 2nd.
6. If you have your lights still hanging up from last Christmas (or 10 years prior) and just plug them in in Dec...then that isn't the point!
7. Why does Santa smell?
8. Am I the only one who thinks that the song "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" is a horrible Christmas song? You're going to traumetize the poor kid seeing Mommy cheating on Daddy like that. Geez.
9. Where can I buy a partridge in a pear tree? (or twelve for that matter)
10. How many Chistmas' is it going to take before Mariah Carey just gives up? (anyone get this reference???)
Posted by
12:28 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Ten Dumb Things People Do On Public Transportation...Your part...
Below is a list of 10 things that dumb people do on public transportation. If you agree, it's time to get the word out and change the world! (a little, okay, not alot, but hey it's worth a shot!) This is Guerilla Style. Attached here is a Word Doc for you to print out, cut up, and leave behind on buses! Send me your pictures too!
Just a few things I noticed on the SF Muni (may be applicable elsewhere).
1. That thing that opens up, and people move in and out? That's a door. Don't stand there unless the car you're on is a sardine can..and you complain that people are pushing you...
2. In the aforementioned "Sardine Can" situation, and you are near the door, it is OK to leave the car and let people out. Don't worry, you can get back in.
3. Your backpack/bags double your width. Take those things off and put them by your feet. Smacking people with your backpack is not good...And don't complain that someone is pushing you, you're smacking me in the head with your big ol' bag, it's your fault.
4. It is crowded on the bus, take only ONE seat. Don't put your crap on the other seat. Don't put your feet up. Don't lie down.
5. Cell phone etiquette. Quiet voices, please. I don't want to know about what you did with your boyfriend/girlfriend last night. I don't want to know about how bad your job is, or how hot your coworker is. Also, I don't want to hear you break up with your significant other or have an argument with them. Neither do the rest of the passengers. This means...no yelling, no swearing...and PLEASE, if you hang up on them in anger...don't call them back!
6. Let people out. Are you really in THAT big of a rush? Did you know that if you let everyone out, it's easier to get in?
7. Stop Request in the underground. You don't have to pull that string in the underground, it'll stop by itself...
8. Don't say you were "going to pay". NO you weren't. Take your ticket. Shut up.
9. It is OK to move to the back of the bus. Nobody is going to kill you back there.
10. Don't sing on the bus either, or start treating your seat as a drum. You're not that good. Also, if I can hear your music blasting out of your earphones...why is it up so loud?!!! ARE YOU DEAF...(or, at least, you will be...).
* Also, no explicit public displays of affection. That's just nasty. Get a room, not a bus.
Posted by
10:29 PM