Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm sorry, you had what's coming to you...even if it was a train.

A man in San Leandro, CA was killed when he ignored the flashing lights and the red and white stripped baracade signaling an oncoming Amtrak train. He was hit by the train. He was on his cell phone while he was hit. Are you THAT into your conversation that you miss the lights, the noises and the big mass moving in your direction? It's tough to say, but some people just deserve it...

1 comment:

DAVEMAN said...

Hey, I passed your dumb test! Told you I was dumb in my last comment. Didn't sign up for anything though. I kind of forgot my real name and address.

Thanks for your comments on my blog. Keeping my posts short is good advice. I'll remember that when I start my new blog.